Last week, TCU rolled out a new program specifically developed for Local Lodge Presidents. National President Maratea, several TCU and Carmen Officers and Chicago area National Representatives were in attendance.
The training, part of President Maratea’s inaugural initiative to expand internal education for Local Lodge Officers, was created and taught by TCU’s Constitution & Law Department. The class provided Lodge Presidents with the skills and resources needed to both manage lodge business and to run effective union meetings in accordance with TCU’s Constitution and Bylaws. A mock union meeting component demonstrated how to handle a variety of routine issues that come up during union meetings.
“TCU has always prioritized training and education and I will continue to make sure our Lodge Officers are the are the best trained reps in the Labor Movement,” said President Maratea. “I am very proud of the officers that participated in the training and I was grateful for this opportunity to meet with them face to face. Their dedication to our membership is palpable.”
17 Local Lodge Presidents from the Chicago area attended the class, with more attending virtually via Zoom. This program will be offered in other areas of the country in the near future. Invitations and details will be sent to Local Lodge Presidents in those respective regions as they are scheduled.

Attendees participate in mock union meeting.