Transco Members Ratify New Agreement
Members from TCU/IAM Local Lodge 6069 located in Oelwein, IA working at Transco shop ratified a tentative agreement on June 9, 2017. This was 30 hours prior to an authorized strike sanction from International President, Robert Martinez and National President, Robert Scardelletti.

TCU Carmen Division Vice President Don Grissom speaks to Transco Members
The original tentative agreement was voted down on April 5, 2017, by the membership at 97%. After further intense negotiations with the company and a Federal Mediator, the BRC/TCU negotiating committee, which consisted of General Vice President, Donald Grissom, National Representative, Robert Keppen, Assistant National Representative, Richard Reilly, Local President, Derek Casey, Local Chairman, Jeremy Lawless and Mike Ott, achieved a tentative agreement of 8.5% GWI for a 3 year term, retroactive back pay to April 11, 2017 and health & welfare premiums frozen – with a 5% reduction of premiums in year 1 and an additional 5% in year 2.

Transco Members Vote on Agreement
The Committee also achieved the following enhancements in the CBA: acquired lead positions, implemented 1 day advance layoff notice, acquired jury duty leave for probationary employees, attained $200 contribution towards safety boots, all required tools are now supplied by the company (employees were previously required to supply hand tools at their own cost), acquired a 24 hour advance notice for overtime, decreased qualifying years for 3rd week of vacation, increased the accidental death insurance by $10,000, added pall bearer for 1 day funeral pay and also, added the maintenance employees to the collective bargaining unit.