TCU Local 2500 Members Stand with IAM Local 701 on the Picket Line

TCU Lodge 2500 members stand with
IAM Local 701 members on strike

More than 1,700 IAM-represented auto mechanics from across the Chicago area walked off the job at the stroke of midnight August 1st, after a group of more than 130 Chicago dealerships refused to pay the workers a fair wage and provide them a fair work schedule.

Members of IAM Automobile Mechanics Local 701, based in Carol Stream, IL, voted overwhelmingly, 1221 to 169, to strike the New Car Dealer Committee (NCDC) after reviewing the dealerships’ so-called last, best and final offer Sunday.

“We provided the dealer association with a comprehensive and realistic proposal,” said Local 701 Directing Business Representative Sam Cicinelli. “We fix things – that’s what we do for a living. We’re trying to fix this industry. Apparently, the NCDC feels much differently. Their greed continues to drive our industry in a downward spiral circling the bowl. That’s not what our members want. So together they made a decision to stand up and fight.”

TCU members in the Chicago area have walked the picket line with the IAM 701 members and fully support our IAM Brothers and Sisters on strike since the beginning of August. TCU Lodge 2500 FST Frank Bernal provided the pictures of TCU Local 2500 members walking the picket line in support.

Click here to read the Local 701 strike info on the IAM website.