TCU-supported nominees were appointed to the Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) Passenger Rail Advisory Committee (PRAC) on Thursday, March 28th. STB announced the PRAC in November 2023 to provide guidance and make recommendations to the Board on passenger rail issues across the country. The Committee’s goals are to improve efficiency on passenger rail routes, reduce disputes between passenger rail carriers and freight rail hosts, improve on-time performance and more.
TCU outside counsel, Aaron Edelman, was appointed to the PRAC as an at-large member. NP Maratea nominated Mr. Edelman for the position given his extensive background as a lawyer familiar with the Rail Labor Act and his work on regulatory matters affecting TCU members. Mr. Edelman has previously worked at a law firm in federal regulatory law, policy and litigation. He also served as the primary legislative staffer for labor policy to former Senator Barbara Mikulski.
Additionally, TCU-endorsed candidates Greg Regan and Rob Padgette were appointed to the PRAC. Mr. Regan was elected President of the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department (TTD), a labor organization consisting of 33 unions, including TCU, that together represent workers in all areas of transportation. As President of TTD Mr. Regan advocates on behalf of rail labor unions and their members. Mr. Padgette serves as the Managing Director of the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) where he oversees the management of the 170-mile Capitol Corridor train route in Northern California. Prior to joining the CCJPA, Mr. Padgette served as the Deputy Executive Director of the Northeast Corridor Commission in Washington, DC.