National Bargaining Update

Last Spring, we sent a Section 6 survey to all Local Lodges with members in National Freight Handling. Once we had our members’ bargaining priorities, TCU/IAM representatives engaged with each of the individual Carriers to address local work rules. Our surveys also yielded consistent feedback that members are tired of years-long bargaining. Members want a fair, timely Agreement. Accordingly, our National Negotiating Committee proactively met with the National Carrier’s Conference Committee (NCCC).  We explained our members’ priorities include reaching an agreement without years of unnecessary delay.  A fair agreement must include meaningful wage increases, health and welfare improvements, and improvements to our current vacation agreement.  Unfortunately, following a series of meetings, it has become obvious that there is not a path with the NCCC to reach a timely agreement that accomplishes these goals. However, we will continue to engage in good faith local bargaining with each of the individual Carriers to reach an agreement for our members.  

“Our membership is adamant that improving vacation benefits is a real priority.  The National Vacation Agreement has been unchanged for decades. While it was once the standard, it is no longer comparable with other industries or work/life balance. Vacation enhancement is a top priority for negotiations and we will exhaust every effort to improve these entitlements for all our members. The Carriers can afford it. Our members can be assured we will continue the work to get an agreement as soon as possible,”  said TCU National President Maratea.