Drummac Workers are Fighting for a Living Wage

DID YOU KNOW? Amtrak contracts with a company called Drummac to safely load and unload vehicles from their auto trains. Add your email to join the cause and help these workers get the wages they deserve.

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Union Plus Programs for TCU Members

TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.

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2024 Fringe Benefits

Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024 for Carmen and Clerks.

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TCU Sends Letter to Every Senator Opposing Railroad Antitrust Act of 2012

The Transportation Communications Union/lAM sent letters to every Senator in opposition of Senate Amendment 1591, Senator Kohl’s “Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act of 2012,” which he intends to offer to S. 1813, the Surface Transportation Bill pending on the floor. The letter states, “Contrary to the claims of a few, it is simply not true that the

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President Obama’s 2013 Budget Request Continues Commitment to Passenger Trains

President Barack Obama’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget request has a clear intent to continue the modernization and expansion of America’s intercity passenger rail network. The Obama Administration is proposing an additional $6 billion for passenger trains immediately as part of a larger jobs-creating initiative that looks to build on recent economic growth through investment in

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Send a Letter to Congress – SAVE OUR JOBS – Stop the Assault on the Jobs of Hard Working TCU/IAM Members

If the measures in the Surface Transportation Bill (H.R. 7) are passed more than 2000 Amtrak on-board workers will lose their jobs. At a time when Amtrak ridership is at record highs, cuts in services and privatizing those positions will adversely affect service, safety and security on every train. These hard working middle-class workers are

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Transportation Unions Oppose Union Busting Changes to Railway Labor Act as Price of FAA Reauthorization

After it was announced that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made a deal with House Speaker John Boehner to make significant anti-union changes to the Railway Labor Act in return for Republican agreement to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration, TCU and IAM mobilized with other unions to oppose the so-called compromise. TCU/IAM was signatory to

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TCU and IAM Release Statements Opposing the FAA Reauthorization Bill

TCU/IAM President Bob Scardelletti and IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger released statements criticizing a Congressional proposal that provides long-term Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding at the expense of railroad and airline workers’ rights to join unions. TCU/IAM and IAM also sent joint letters to each member of the House and Senate urging them to pass

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