Drummac Workers are Fighting for a Living Wage

DID YOU KNOW? Amtrak contracts with a company called Drummac to safely load and unload vehicles from their auto trains. Add your email to join the cause and help these workers get the wages they deserve.

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Union Plus Programs for TCU Members

TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.

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2024 Fringe Benefits

Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024 for Carmen and Clerks.

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TCU has Reached a Tentative Clerical Contract with Metra Commuter Railroad in Chicago

The agreement provides excellent compensation gains for TCU members, more than 20% in wage increases plus a $3,000 signing bonus over its six year term. The agreement rivals the historic national freight agreement in compensation produced, but employee contributions to health insurance are only introduced gradually on a staggered basis, not reaching national levels until

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NMB Proffers Arbitration to all TCU Crafts on Long Island Railroad

Today, the National Mediation Board issued proffers of arbitration to all crafts represented by TCU on the Long Island Railroad, as well as to every other union on the Long Island, with the exception of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, who are not in mediation. National President Scardelletti immediately rejected the proffer.  It is

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OSHA: FRSA Rail Whistleblower Protection Applies to Off-Duty Injuries

The Administrative Review Board of the Department of Labor decisively upheld an OSHA Administrative Law Judge’s decision that the Federal Rail Safety Act (FRSA) protects rail workers from being disciplined when they follow a physician’s treatment plan for off-duty injuries. The case involved a signalman who was assessed a six day suspension for violating PATH’s

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The Importance of a Current Connection for Railroad Retirement Benefits

Under the Railroad Retirement Act, a “current connection” with the railroad industry is one of the eligibility requirements for occupational disability annuities and supplemental annuities, and is one of the factors that determine whether the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) or the Social Security Administration has jurisdiction over the payment of monthly benefits to survivors of

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CRLO to NCCC – Immediately Extend Spousal Benefits to Same-Sex Married Couples

In a letter to Kenneth Gradia, Chairman of the National Carriers Conference Committee (NCCC), the Cooperating Railway Labor Organizations (CRLO) Chairman Bob Scardelletti asked for the matter of spousal benefits for same-sex married couples to be immediately addressed. In the letter Scardelletti states, “On behalf of the Cooperating Railway Labor Organizations (“CRLO”), I am writing

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Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits to Decrease Due to Adjustment in Sequestration Rate

Beginning October 1, 2013, the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will reduce railroad unemployment and sickness insurance benefits by 7.2 percent due to Federal budget cuts first implemented in March 2013. Since that time, these benefits had been reduced by 9.2 percent. The adjusted reduction amount is based on revised projections of benefit claims and

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TCU President Scardelletti Defends Health Care Plans at AFL/CIO Convention

TCU/IAM President Bob Scardelletti defended negotiated health care plans that are under attack by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as Obamacare. At the recent AFL-CIO Convention, President Scardelletti called for the elimination of the ACA’s 40 percent excise tax. “I support President Obama. And we all want health care for all,” said Scardelletti.

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