Union Plus Programs for TCU Members
TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.
TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.
President Maratea said, “I am pleased to meet the members working on the job, I am so proud of the work they do every day. It is critical for me to see for myself what our members do and what they deal with on the property.”
Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024 for Carmen and Clerks.
Today, the Cooperating Railway Labor Organizations (CRLO) met with the National Carrier’s Conference Committee (NCCC) to review rate recommendations by United Healthcare. The monthly contribution rate for our members covered under the National Freight Health and Welfare Plan will remain unchanged throughout 2024. It will remain at the current 15% or $309.21. “Keeping the
The ratification process for members working under the ASWC Agreement on Amtrak has begun and will continue through November 10th. “This TA provides significant wage increases, protects our great healthcare with no increased monthly cost, provides additional paid time off, and secures much-needed work rule improvements. This is a great agreement, and I am
TCU/IAM congratulates Ed Dowell on his newly elected position as ATDA President. “Congratulations to President Dowell. I have known and worked with Ed for many years and know he is an effective labor leader who will do a great job leading the ATDA. Being the successor to Leo McCann is no small task. Leo is
Don’t miss out on the Union Plus Cash Back shopping program. TCU/IAM members and their families can earn up to 40% in cash back on Halloween costumes, décor, candy, and more! Learn how by clicking here: UnionPlusShopping.org Planning a vacation? Need a place to stay for a last-minute business trip? The Union Plus Hotel Discount
Our October TCU Veteran of the Month is Brother Tom Wertenberger of LL 1908. Tom served in the United States Navy for 27 years from 1967 to 1994. He served on destroyers, cruisers, and amphibious ships as well as staffs. During his service, he held a myriad of positions such as Gunnery Officer, First Lieutenant,
The payment of a railroad retirement annuity can be affected by entitlement to social security benefits, as well as certain other government benefits. Such dual entitlement, if not reported to the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), can result in annuity overpayments which have to be repaid, sometimes with interest and penalties. The following questions and answers
TCU Press Release – Sept 17, 2023 Rockville, MD – TCU & Brotherhood of Railway Carmen (BRC) mourn the loss of CSX Carman Fred Anderson who was fatally injured while on duty earlier today in Walbridge, Ohio. “These tragedies are very painful reminders that the work our members perform is dangerous and unforgiving. My deepest
Union Plus is here to help you save time and money during the busy back-to-school season! With the Union Plus Cash Back shopping program, TCU/IAM union members can earn up to 40% cash back from more than 5,000 online shops. Learn how: www.unionplus.org/btsshopping. Want to save more on home and auto insurance? Union Plus connects
To show our appreciation and gratitude for our members who have served our country, National President Maratea would like to highlight TCU Veterans. Each month, a veteran TCU member, who has been nominated, will be chosen to be highlighted. Our September Veteran of the Month is Brother Ronald Elza of LL 6793. Ronald served
When elected as National President of TCU/IAM, National President Maratea committed to revitalizing the organizing efforts of our Union. He realized one of the ways to combat job cuts and to stay ahead of the various efforts of automation was to proactively seek out new unorganized workers, especially in our industry. He created the