Drummac Workers are Fighting for a Living Wage

DID YOU KNOW? Amtrak contracts with a company called Drummac to safely load and unload vehicles from their auto trains. Add your email to join the cause and help these workers get the wages they deserve.

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Union Plus Programs for TCU Members

TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.

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2024 Fringe Benefits

Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024 for Carmen and Clerks.

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TCU Joins with Rail Unions and Agencies to Demand Congress Fund Transit

Unions representing frontline public transportation workers joined forces with transit agencies and rider advocates to deliver a stark warning to lawmakers: without at least $32 billion in emergency funding, transit systems in both urban and rural areas face irreversible harm. In a letter to Congressional leadership, 36 organizations explained that physical distancing measures, including stay-at-home

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TTD: Support Amtrak and its Workforce in COVID-19 Relief Package

On behalf of TCU and other rail labor affiliates, the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, sent the following letter to Congressional leadership detailing the urgent need for $4.5 billion in Amtrak relief funding whilst preventing furloughs and protecting service for millions of Americans:   July 28, 2020 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House United

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Bob Scardelletti Retires with 29 Years as President of TCU and 53 Years of Membership

July 31, 2020, marks the retirement of TCU/IAM National President and Labor Legend Robert A. Scardelletti. President Scardelletti has fought for America’s working families and the members of TCU for 29 years as National President, with more than 53 years of membership in the TCU/IAM. Bob Scardelletti began his rail career as a Yard Clerk

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TCU Statement on House Committee’s FY2021 Spending Bill

TCU National President Bob Scardelletti and National President-Elect Artie Maratea issued the following joint statement on the House Appropriations Committee’s passage of the FY2021 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations bill: “The House Appropriation Committee’s spending bill delivers record funding levels for Amtrak at a time when it’s needed most. The vision laid out

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