Union Plus Programs for TCU Members
TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.
TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.
President Maratea said, “I am pleased to meet the members working on the job, I am so proud of the work they do every day. It is critical for me to see for myself what our members do and what they deal with on the property.”
Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024 for Carmen and Clerks.
TCU Honors and Remembers the members that perished in the attacks on September 11, 2001. James W. Barbella Edward Calderon Rocco Medaglia Eugene Raggio Edward T. Strauss These members and their families will never be forgotten.
TCU National President Artie Maratea testified before the House Railroads, Pipelines & HazMat Subcommittee to discuss Amtrak’s Response to COVID-19. He spoke regarding the ongoing challenges TCU members face on the job and the dire need for adequate funding to provide the much-needed employee protections. “I’m here on behalf of Amtrak workers to urge Congress
TCU National President Artie Maratea is expected to testify tomorrow, September 9th before the House Railroads, Pipelines & HazMat Subcommittee to discuss Amtrak’s Response to COVID-19. President Maratea will testify regarding the ongoing challenges TCU members face on the job and the dire need for adequate funding to provide the much needed employee protections. The
The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) released a questions and answers that describes unemployment and sickness benefits payable under the Railroad Retirement Insurance Act (RUIA), their eligibility requirements, and how to claim them. In addition, it details how the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, affects the RRB’s administration of benefits under
Amtrak announced yesterday that it plans to furlough 1,950 union represented employees beginning October 1st. A stalemate on Capitol Hill continues for the next coronavirus relief package. Democrats in the House have already passed multiple bills to avert economic catastrophe, including $10 billion for Amtrak, but Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continues to prevent
On August 28, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit issued its decision in BNSF et al v. SMART-TD (Case No. 20-10162) concerning crew consist. The decision vacated an injunction issued by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas and is a long-awaited victory for the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail
In a recent letter to the TCU membership, National President Maratea lays out the changes he has implemented and the work plans he sees ahead of this Union. In the letter: Dear Brothers and Sisters: As you may already know, the TCU/IAM Executive Council unanimously elected me to succeed Robert Scardelletti as National President of
95 years ago today, A. Philip Randolph organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters became the first African-American Union to win a national contract in the United States and receive a charter with the American Federation of Labor (AFL). In an epic struggle, the Porters fought the bitterly antiunion
The IAM recognizes this is a stressful time for many IAM Veterans due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The IAM Employee Assistance and Addiction Services Program stands ready to assist Veterans and their families during this tough period. IAM is asking all veterans to fill out the contact information form online, so that the IAM
Don’t wait, the November election will be here before you know it. And with millions of Americans voting by mail this election, it’s even more important to get registered and request your ballot early! Click here to register, check your registration status, or request a mail-in ballot. www.WorkersFirstVoteUnion.org Every presidential election seems to be hailed