Union Plus Programs for TCU Members

TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.

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President Maratea Hits-The-Road, Meeting with Clerks and Carmen on Amtrak, BNSF, TTX, Indiana Harbor Belt and South Shore Freight

President Maratea said, “I am pleased to meet the members working on the job, I am so proud of the work they do every day. It is critical for me to see for myself what our members do and what they deal with on the property.”

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2024 Fringe Benefits

Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024 for Carmen and Clerks.

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Process In Brief

A House member (including the resident commissioner of Puerto Rico and non-voting delegates of the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands and American Samoa) may introduce any one of several types of bills and resolutions by handing it to the clerk of the House or placing it in a box called the hopper. A

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Legislative Glossary

ACT The term for legislation once it has passed both houses of Congress and has been signed by the president or passed over his veto, thus becoming law. (See also POCKET VETO.) Also used in parliamentary terminology for a bill that has been passed by one house and engrossed. (See ENGROSSED BILL.) ADJOURNMENT SINE DIE

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How a Bill Becomes Law

The process of producing and enacting legislation reveals how difficult and time-consuming lawmaking can be — and how many opportunities there are for interested citizens or groups to make their views known to legislators. As citizens, as union members, and as legislative representatives, we must make the most of those opportunities to advance our interests.

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Links to Legislators

Contacting the Congress  (online guide to who represents you, congressional daily schedules, committee membership and more) Contactando el Congreso  (descubra quien le representa en al Congreso) U.S. Senate     Senate Committees           Appropriations   Budget        Commerce, Science and Transportation    Finance        Health, Education, Labor & Pensions           U.S. House of Representatives    House Committees           Appropriations        Budget        Education & the

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107th Congress

TCU’S LEGISLATIVE WATCH 107th CONGRESS, 2nd SESSION FINAL STATUS REPORT OF: Howard W. Randolph, Jr. International Vice President and National Legislative Director JANUARY 2003 Amtrak Appropriations for FY2003: With the November 20 adjournment of the 107th Congress and after passing five Continuing Resolutions (CR?s) to continue funding the government without disruption, the President signed into

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