Union Plus Programs for TCU Members
TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.
TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.
President Maratea said, “I am pleased to meet the members working on the job, I am so proud of the work they do every day. It is critical for me to see for myself what our members do and what they deal with on the property.”
Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024 for Carmen and Clerks.
The Dr. Gary Burch Memorial Safety Award is given to the person who has done the most to improve the safety of railroad passengers. The National Association of Railroad Passengers is looking for nominations for this award. The award will be presented at the NARP Annual Congressional Reception on April 21, 2009 in Washington, DC.
The pending Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, center, meets with from left, TCU Assistant Legislative Director Tony Padilla and TCU International Representative Ron Kloos. Assistant National Legislative Director Tony Padilla and International Legislative Representative Ron Kloos hit the ground running January 5, 2009 when members of the 111th Congress convened in Washington, DC. Padilla and Kloos
American Rights at Work has begun a new campaign to show how the Employee Free Choice Act will help everyone. This new goal is to put a face on who needs the right to freely form a union and how helpful that right will be. Many people have spoken up in support and their voices
The inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States on January 20, 2009 sparks the change in government that working Americans sorely need. Many Americans will celebrate this historic event: some will go to Washington D.C. and experience first hand the inauguration events; others will watch from the comfort of their homes or
Co-pay Change Reduces Cost for Amtrak Agreement Employees with Amplan Health and Welfare Coverage TCU and Amtrak have agreed to adjust the co-pay amount for services rendered by Physical Therapists and Chiropractors to the same levels applied to those employees covered under the National R.R. Health & Welfare Plan. Therefore, effective February 1, 2009, co-pay
President-Elect Barack Obama and Vice President-Elect Joe Biden have released their plan to revitalize the economy. This economic crisis will require swift action. President-Elect Obama is working to get each of his cabinet appointments ready to begin as soon as possible in order to face the many challenges the new administration will have. The plan
The AFL-CIO reacted positively to the appointment of Rep. Hilda Solis as President-elect Barack Obama’s Secretary of Labor. In a brief statement, federation President John Sweeney said, “We’re thrilled at the prospect of having Rep. Hilda Solis as our nation’s next labor secretary. We’re confident that she will return to the labor department one of
From left to right: front row – Jerry Colomb, Troy Rivette, Eric Roberts; middle row – Kerry Simon, Bobby Tippie, Special Rep Johnny Flores, John Hunt, IR Danny Lancaster; back Row – Reggie Keller, Kenneth Jones, Gerry Scruggs Ten members from Local Lodge 6793 of Houston, Texas received checks from the TCU Disaster Relief Fund.
TCU and 10 other rail unions have won an arbitration award that will make the carriers change existing FMLA policies. The award states that the carriers’ substitution of FMLA leave for paid vacation and personal leave is a violation of the vacation and personal leave sections of the national collective bargaining agreement. No longer will
Our economy is in crisis, and now U.S. auto manufacturers are on the brink of disaster. A GM, Ford and Chrysler collapse will affect far more than just the auto workers. From parts manufacturers to every store in auto plant communities, millions of jobs are on the line if Congress fails to authorize funds to keep