Union Plus Programs for TCU Members
TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.
TCU fully supports the programs available for active and retired TCU members and their families. With the money savings programs available, in some situations, the benefits can offset paid union dues.
President Maratea said, “I am pleased to meet the members working on the job, I am so proud of the work they do every day. It is critical for me to see for myself what our members do and what they deal with on the property.”
Cost of Wages and Fringe Benefits as of January 2024 for Carmen and Clerks.
During the months of November and December 2010, UnitedHealthcare will hold an open enrollment. During this open enrollment, any individual eligible for coverage under one of the GA-23111 Plans for former railroad employees can enroll and will be accepted for coverage without any medical underwriting or requirement of good health. There are no limitations for
NRRIT has released the quarterly update for the period ending September 30, 2010. Click here to view the update.
Railroad retirement annuities will not increase in January 2011 as there was no increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the third quarter of last year to the corresponding period this year. Because there is no cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), social security law prohibits an increase in the amounts social security and railroad retirement beneficiaries
A new voluntary program now allows MofE Supervisors to work and train on Amtrak jobs within the Maintenance of Equipment sector for a one week period. This unique program is a great way for Supervisors to step out and explore different positions while at the same time acquiring knowledge and familiarity of other functions within
TCU ARASA Supervisors in the On-Board and M of E crafts have ratified new five year agreements with Amtrak covering wages, health benefits, and rules. The agreements follow the economic pattern previously agreed to by TCU ARASA M of W Supervisors, Clerks, Carmen, and On-Board Service Workers. ARASA On-Board Supervisors ratified the agreement unanimously, with
The Machinists Union is now an organizational sponsor of ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER. A host of major civil rights, religious, labor and environmental organizations are working together to pull off the largest jobs rally in Washington, DC in decades. And there will be local events held in communities all across the country. It all happens
In a letter to all Local Chairmen TCU President Bob Scardelletti spelled out the changes the Health Care Reform (recently signed into law) would have on the National Rail Health Care Plan. Click here to read the letter.
The Senate rejected the resolution of disapproval introduced on the floor by Senator Isakson (R – GA) and firmly stated to the country that democracy will win elections not inequality. The recent NMB rule change, allowing for every vote cast being the only votes counted, will make union representation voting fair and democratic. “We’re pleased
The leaders of America’s national railway labor organizations sent a letter to President Barak Obama in support of Walter A. Barrows, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, to be nominated to fill the remainder of Mr. Speakman’s term as Labor Member of the Railroad Retirement Board, which will expire August 29, 2014. Click
In a recent release the AFL-CIO endorsed candidates for Senate, Congress and Governor in each state. Please check for the races in your local area to find out who the candidate is that has the stamp of approval. Click here to view the candidate endorsement list from the AFL-CIO. As always…choose wisely but please “Choose