One Million Strong for Employee Free Choice

Can you imagine a CEO agreeing to work without a contract that guarantees pay and benefits? It would never happen. But when companies prevent workers from forming unions, that’s exactly what they’re making employees do: work without any assurance of pay and benefits.   If we collect enough signatures and elect friends of working families, next year we can enact the Employee Free Choice Act, which would:

• Establish stronger penalties for violations of employee rights when workers seek to form a union and during first-contract negotiations. 

• Guarantee that workers who choose union representation will have a contract.

• Remove barriers that deny workers the opportunity to form unions and bargain for better wages, health care and pensions.

Please join in helping collect 500,000 signatures supporting the Employee Free Choice Act by Labor day. Click on the ‘One Million Strong’ button below to sign the petition now.

Important note: A lot of misinformation is being floated by anti-union groups about the Employee Free Choice Act.  Find out more about who these groups are at the Anti-Union Network which includes profiles of anti-union organizations with details on their lobbying, litigation and media outreach, as well as their connections to each other. The site, from the AFL-CIO’s American Rights at Work, is a great resource tool that includes background on union-busters and their techniques and offers an up-to-date news feed and an e-mail sign-up for fast-breaking information.