Our advocates are constantly working with Members of Congress, their staff, and federal regulators on protecting the jobs and benefits, increasing investment in railroads and infrastructure, and writing and administering various rules and regulations that protect the health, safety and general wellbeing of our members.
Click here to download the current TCU MNPL form.
Defending Railroad Retirement
After the recent election, many in conservative Republican circles feel emboldened to push through their legislative wish list. Unfortunately for railroaders, one of the items on their wish list appears to be “reforming” railroad retirement. As a general rule, the word “reform” when stated by these groups tends to mean “cuts.” The TCU Legislative Department will be fighting tooth and nail to prevent any changes to the hard-earned retirement benefits of our members.
IAM Action Alerts Center
Get involved with the legislative process by contacting your congressional representatives on issues that matter most to you. Research voting records, read current legislation, and find out a little bit more about those who represent you in office. Learn more in the IAM Legislative Action Center.
Signup for Machinists-on-the-Hill
Resources from affiliates:

TCU Members On-The-Hill
The Transportation Trades Department (TTD) of the AFL-CIO is a coalition of 32 member unions representing workers throughout our nation’s transportation industries, including TCU members. TTD’s Move America blog serves as an excellent resource for news, insights and analyses on policies and issues facing the transportation workforce.
Machinists’ Legislative Website
The 2012 merger of TCU with the IAMAW has strengthened our members voices on the Hill. By joining the “Fighting Machinists”, TCU members and their representatives have gained access to valuable resources and expertise to better serve and defend the interests of our workers.