TCU ARASA Supervisors in the On-Board and M of E crafts have ratified new five year agreements with Amtrak covering wages, health benefits, and rules.

The agreements follow the economic pattern previously agreed to by TCU ARASA M of W Supervisors, Clerks, Carmen, and On-Board Service Workers.

ARASA On-Board Supervisors ratified the agreement unanimously, with not a single no vote. The M of E Craft ratified the agreement with 60% in favor.

The agreements provide 15% in compounded wage increases over the five year term, limit increases in employee contributions for health insurance, and freeze copays and deductibles at current levels.

“The overwhelming support for these agreements,” says ARASA International Representative Joe Derillo, “demonstrates our members’ understanding of the current economic climate. At a time when workers in most industries in America are enduring demands for wage concessions and attacks on their health benefits, we achieved substantial wage gains and held the line on our excellent health plan.”

TCU President Bob Scardelletti added, “With these ratifications, every single TCU craft on Amtrak now has the security of an excellent agreement no matter what happens in the upcoming congressional elections or in the broader economy. What a difference from last round. I’ll say it one more time – these Amtrak agreements are the best in the country – bar none!”