Category Archives: TCU Blog

Let’s not Forget – Pence Voted Against Railroad Pensions in House

I am addressing this to all railroad workers, retirees, widows, widowers and dependents who are covered under the Railroad Retirement Act. In 2001, on the floor of the House of Representatives, then Congressman Mike Pence, R-Ind., voted against the Railroad Retirement and Survivors Improvement Act. This was the bill that provided retirement at age 60

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Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits Will Slightly Decrease Under Adjusted Sequestration Rate

Beginning October 1, 2016, the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will reduce railroad unemployment and sickness insurance benefits by 6.9 percent, up from the current 6.8 percent reduction, as required by law. The adjusted reduction amount is based on revised projections of benefit claims and payments under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. It will remain

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A message from TCU President Bob Scardelletti – 2016 Presidential Election

The upcoming presidential election presents one of the starkest choices for union workers in our lifetimes. Hillary Clinton has proudly stood with union workers throughout her career. Donald Trump says he’s pro-worker – but everything in his public life suggests the opposite. It is no accident that every major labor union in America, including TCU/IAM,

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