Category Archives: TCU Blog

Rail Passengers Group Publishes Report Supporting Amtrak

The National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) released a report this week detailing the complex nature of Amtrak’s national network while highlighting the necessity of long-distance trains. The report includes a section on jobs (see screenshot below) as well as a table (see appendix) outlining the various stations across the country that would close if

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TCU Members Represented at Congressional Rail Hearing [VIDEO]

Earlier today, Larry Willis, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, testified on Capitol Hill before the Railroads Subcommittee. In his testimony, Mr. Willis advocated on behalf of TCU/IAM members by calling for increased funding for Amtrak employees as well as adequate safety measures for all railroad workers.  The hearing was focused on railroad infrastructure,

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Open Enrollment for Members Covered Under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan Begins October 1st

Members will be receiving materials in the mail in the near future which will provide details of the 2018 Open Enrollment. During the period of October 1 until October 31, 2017, members can securely access the Railroad Enrollment Services online at to review and make changes to their benefits or personal record for 2018.

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Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits Will Increase Due to Adjusted Sequestration Rate

Beginning October 1, 2017, the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will reduce railroad unemployment and sickness insurance benefits by 6.6 percent, down from the current 6.9 percent reduction, as required by law. The adjusted reduction amount is based on revised projections of benefit claims and payments under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. It will remain

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Acting for Impaired Railroad Retirement Beneficiaries

According to Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) policy, every annuitant has the right to manage his or her own benefits. However, when physical or mental impairments make a railroad retirement annuitant incapable of properly handling benefit payments, or where the RRB determines that the interests of the annuitant so require, the agency can appoint a representative

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House votes down amendment to defund Amtrak

On Wednesday evening, the House of Representatives voted on various amendments to the Transportation Appropriations bill, including one from Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) to defund Amtrak. Thankfully, the amendment failed with 128 voting in favor versus 293 voting against.  This vote serves as a litmus test to who is really on our side. Voting to defund

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TCU President Scardelletti asks All TCU Locals to Donate to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund

From TCU President Bob Scardelletti’s letter to all Local Lodge Officers: We have all seen the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey on TV. Thousands of people are suffering injuries, losses of property and the possibilities of displacement, as well as replacing and rebuilding needs. This is affecting us all, because in hundreds of cases they

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RRB Advises Rail Workers Impacted by Hurricane Harvey

The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) is reminding rail employees out of work due to Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath that they may qualify for unemployment benefits. To determine eligibility or file claims for benefits, affected railroaders should call the RRB’s toll-free telephone number (1-877-772-5772) or visit the Unemployment benefits webpage. Rail workers who are

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