Category Archives: TCU Blog

FRA Requests Information on Automation in the Railroad Industry

In March 2018, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) issued a notice in the Federal Register wherein the agency requested comments from the public regarding railroad automation, and how this technology may impact the railroad industry going forward. This request encompassed the entirety of the railroad industry, and sought input on the impacts of automation on

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2018 Legislative Conference – TCU Lobbies Congress

Last week, a number of TCU/IAM local leaders and retirees joined hundreds of other Machinists at the 2018 IAMAW Legislative Conference in Washington, DC. Their goal was to get the issues facing our members front-and-center before Congress, and the conference was a resounding success.  On Tuesday, May 8th, TCU National Vice President and Legislative Director

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Amtrak Celebrates 47th Anniversary

Amtrak President and Chief Executive Officer Richard Anderson recently announced several improvements underway at the national intercity passenger railroad as it marked its 47th anniversary. “While we celebrate our history, we have a keen eye on the future and are making necessary changes to provide our customers with an unparalleled travel experience,” said Amtrak President

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TTD Release – Workers Memorial Day Reminds Us that Safe Workplaces Don’t Just Happen, They are Fought For

No one who works for a living should have to put themselves in a compromising situation just to put food on the table. Yet, every year, thousands of working people, including frontline transportation workers, are hurt or killed on the job. It’s true that decades of struggle by working people and their unions have improved

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CSX Intermodal Agreement Ratified

On April 16th TCU members resoundingly ratified a CSX Intermodal agreement, with an outstanding 56% of eligible members participating and voting strongly in favor of the agreement. Prior to ratification, National Vice President Matt Hollis, assisted by Local Chairmen Reggie Carter and Jon Bailey, attended lodge meetings, visited 16 properties, held numerous conference calls, and

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TCU on Instagram

TCU Begins Instagram, focusing on member Education and TCU members on-the-job. Send photos to, to submit a photo include Name, photo description. Please only take pictures of members on-the-job if it is permitted and safe to do so. Click here to view the TCU Instagram page. On Instagram: TCUNIONHQ