Category Archives: TCU Blog

Reps. Takano, Boyle meet with Amtrak reservations agents

Earlier this summer, Congressman Mark Takano (CA-41) and Congressman Brendan Boyle (PA-13) visited with Amtrak reservations agents at call centers in their respective districts. Their visits came at a crucial time as Amtrak is currently in the process of setting up an outsourcer and could shutter one of the two facilities. Combined, the call centers

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BNSF Petitions FRA for Wayside Detector Pilot Program

The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) has recently petitioned the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for waiver from Federal railroad safety regulations regarding the testing and inspecting of air brakes and an exemption from statutory requirements regarding the movement of defective or insecure equipment.  BNSF specifically requests this relief so that FRA will approve a

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RRB Financial Reports Q&A

The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) is required by law to submit annual financial reports and triennial actuarial valuations to Congress on the financial condition of the railroad retirement system, as well as annual financial reports on the railroad unemployment insurance system. These reports must also include recommendations for any financing changes which may be advisable

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Senate confronts Amtrak on numerous issues [corrected]

Last week, the U.S. Senate passed a transportation spending bill that included another record $1.94 billion in funding for Amtrak, while also attaching a number of amendments targeting Amtrak operations. These amendments come after months of controversial service and operational changes instituted by Amtrak’s new CEO, Richard Anderson. And despite Congress showing strong support for

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