Category Archives: TCU Blog

RRB Release – Comparison of Benefits Under Railroad Retirement and Social Security

Employers and employees covered by the Railroad Retirement Act pay higher retirement taxes than those covered by the Social Security Act, so that railroad retirement benefits remain higher than social security benefits, especially for career employees who have 30 or more years of service. The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has released a questions and answers

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‘We Need Action!’: TCU and IAM Transportation Members Growing Solidarity

More than 800 members of the IAM’s largest territory, the Transportation Department, including over 200 TCU delegates, joined together in Las Vegas this week for the 2019 IAM Transportation Conference. The IAM, which represents more than 160,000 members in the airline and rail industries, is North America’s largest union in the sector. Speakers at the

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TCU President Bob Scardelletti Addresses IAM Transportation Conference

Over 200 TCU representatives are attending the IAM Transportation Conference this week. TCU President Bob Scardelletti addressed the IAM Transportation Conference laying out the current benefits and upcoming negotiations in the railroad industry. President Scardelletti said, “The contracts that people in this hall negotiate represent some of the best there is. No one does it

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Senators Klobuchar and Sanders Speak at IAM Transportation Conference

Democratic presidential hopefuls Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Monday morning addressed approximately 800 delegates at the Transportation Department’s 2019 Conference. IAM members will be hearing from candidates often during the 2020 election cycle before the membership weighs in on the union’s presidential endorsement.   Watch the video feed of both

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TCU, ASWC unions lobby Congress on Amtrak issues

Last week, officials and members from TCU/IAM, the Transport Workers Union (TWU) and Unite-HERE banded together to lobby Congress on issues facing our members at Amtrak. Each union focused their meetings on Members of Congress whose districts are near Amtrak onboard service crew bases. For TCU, however, our lobbying efforts ran the full gamut of

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CN Petitions FRA for Relief from Performing Single Car Air Brake Tests

Canadian National Railway Company (CN) has petitioned the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for a waiver of compliance from certain provisions of the Federal railroad safety regulations contained at 49 CFR 232.305, Single car air brake tests. Specifically, CN requests relief from part 232.305(b)(2), regarding the requirement to conduct a single car air brake test on a

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TTD President Larry Willis Testifies Before the National Mediation Board on Decertification of Representation

In the testimony of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), President Larry Willis, he stated TTD’s opposition to the proposed rule on decertification of representation. TTD represents 32 affiliated unions (including TCU) in all modes of transportation. This includes a number of unions whose members work in the aviation and rail sectors, are covered by

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