Category Archives: TCU Blog

Carman Lodge 6508 Member Receives 2019 IAM Scholarship Award

During Local Lodge T6508 Waycross, GA Union meeting on June 10, 2019, TCU Carmen Division Assistant General President, Donald Grissom, along with National Representative, Jason Cox, presented Brother Douglas Cobbs the 2019 IAM Scholarship Award from International President, Martinez.  Brother Cobbs will be attending Coastal Pines Technical College in Waycross, GA, and will be majoring in

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Health Advocate Online – TCU/IAM Members can Enter to Win a Fitbit

As part of the last National Agreement, Health Advocate services were implemented to offer members assistance when an issue of balance billing arises; answer questions about the right medical treatment; assisting with coordinating medical care, or answering general benefit questions. As an incentive for accessing Health Advocate online, eligible members can enter to win a

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TCU & IAM District 19 safety survey on “Precision Scheduled Railroading”

Today, TCU and the IAM’s District 19 are announcing the rollout of a survey tool for union members to tell their stories with regards to the safety impacts of “Precision Scheduled Railroading” (PSR), the Class 1’s new operating model. The goal of this survey is to collect data and information on unsafe practices being deployed,

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RRB Release – Medicare for Railroad Families

The Federal Medicare program provides hospital and medical insurance protection for railroad retirement annuitants and their families, just as it does for social security beneficiaries. Medicare has the following parts: Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) helps pay for inpatient care in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities (following a hospital stay), some home health care services,

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TTD Release – Trump Missed Opportunity to Show Visionary Leadership on Infrastructure

Larry Willis, President of the Transportation Trades Department, of which TCU is a member, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement in response to today’s failed infrastructure meeting between President Trump and Congressional leaders: “President Trump sidestepped a critical opportunity to show the visionary leadership needed to rebuild this country and secure America’s standing as a global,

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