Category Archives: TCU Blog

Spouse Eligibility Audit is Now in Progress Under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan

The spouse eligibility audit is now in progress under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan, which commenced on January 1, 2020. As of January 22, 2020 Railroad Enrollment Services has not received verification of eligibility for 68,935 spouses. Every married employee must verify that their existing spouse currently meets the eligibility requirements by

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Changes in TCU Executive Council and Legislative Department

William DeCarlo- Vice President and National Legislative Director William DeCarlo was elected by the TCU Executive Council to take the position of Vice-President and National Legislative Director effective Jan 1, 2020. “Billy” started his career as Station Cleaner on Long Island Rail Road in 1978.He worked as a Travel Info Clerk, Ticket Clerk, Ticket Agent/Block

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All Labor Has Dignity

Sisters, Brothers and Friends of the IAM, Like so many other social justice warriors, Dr. King realized that inequality is a threat to our democracy. He spent his life fighting and calling for economic justice. King realized that inequality is a threat to our democracy—right until the very end. As we pause to celebrate his

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