Category Archives: TCU Blog

TCU Joins with Rail Labor and Amtrak in Supporting the Railroad Employee Equality and Fairness Act

The current laws in place reduce the benefit amount available to those covered under railroad unemployment insurance. This act, if passed, will allow unemployed railroad workers to receive the same benefits as the general public. TCU supports the recent introduction of S. 4860, the Railroad Employee Equality and Fairness Act, which would undo harmful, ongoing

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TCU 2021 Dues Increase

In accordance with the IAM Constitution, their monthly per capita tax is increased by using the average of the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) as published by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Canadian Consumer Price Index as published by

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VOTE 2020 – Statement from TCU National President Artie Maratea

TCU National President Artie Maratea issued the following statement: “The race for President remains close. President Trump has done remarkably well in turn out, while Joe Biden has surpassed Barack Obama’s 2008 popular vote total. More Americans have voted in this election than ever before, and every vote deserves to be counted, no matter how

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TCU Holds Inaugural Zoom Leadership Program for New Local Chairs

In his August 2020 letter to the membership, National President Maratea announced his initiative to implement online training for local officers and full time representatives to ensure that they receive the vital tools and knowledge necessary to effectively represent the membership. Accordingly, TCU’s online Leadership Program was launched. Three two-day virtual courses were held in

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2021 Annual Open Enrollment GA-23000 Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan

It’s that time again to announce the annual Open Enrollment for members covered under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan (Plan) GA-23000. Members are starting to receive materials in the mail for the 2021 Open Enrollment. Between October 1 until October 31, 2020, members can securely access the Railroad Enrollment Services online at

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September 30th – Workers Rally, Call on Congress to Save Jobs, Fund Amtrak

Transportation Communications Union/IAM members and leaders hosted a rally in four major U.S. cities on Sept. 30th to urge Congress and the Administration to provide Amtrak emergency funding, and to protest looming job cuts. More than 850 TCU members are targeted by Amtrak’s cuts, scheduled to take effect Oct. 1st. Members represented by five labor

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