Category Archives: Railroad Retirement

March 2008

Comparing Railroad Retirement Benefits with Social Security Employers and employees covered by the Railroad Retirement Act pay higher retirement taxes than those covered by the Social Security Act, so that railroad retirement benefits remain higher than social security benefits, especially for career employees.  Click here  for answers to questions about the differences in rail retirement and

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December 2007

Railroad Retirement Spouse Benefits—In addition to the retirement annuities payable to employees, the Railroad Retirement Act, like the Social Security Act, also provides annuities for the spouses of retired employees.  Payment of a spouse annuity is made directly to the wife or husband of the employee.  Divorced spouses may also qualify for benefits.  Read more.

Considering Retirement?

The Union Plus program has an online retirement center  to help plan for the future. One caution: the site works with an assumption of Social Security benefits and does not consider Railroad Retirement benefits.  To adjust for this, get estimates of your retirement benefits from the RRB’s website here.