Category Archives: Railroad Retirement

RRB Release – Railroad Retirement Annuities and Pensions from Work Not Covered by Social Security or Railroad Retirement

Employee annuities paid under the Railroad Retirement Act are subject to dual benefit reductions when social security benefits are also payable, and they may be subject to reduction when certain public, non-profit or foreign pension payments are also due a retired employee. The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has released a questions and answers that describes

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RRB Release – Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits Will Slightly Decrease Under Adjusted Sequestration Rate

Beginning October 1, 2014, the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will reduce railroad unemployment and sickness insurance benefits by 7.3 percent, up from the current 7.2 percent reduction, as required by law. The adjusted reduction amount is based on revised projections of benefit claims and payments under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. It will remain

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2014 RRB Financial Reports

The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) is required by law to submit annual financial reports to Congress on the financial condition of the railroad retirement system and the railroad unemployment insurance system. These reports must also include recommendations for any financing changes which may be advisable in order to ensure the solvency of the systems. In

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RRB Releases Questions and Answers on Working After Retirement

Retirees, and those planning retirement, should be aware of the railroad retirement laws governing benefit payments to annuitants who work after retirement. The questions and answers release, describe these railroad retirement work restrictions and earnings limitations on post-retirement employment, and how these rules can affect retirees engaging in self-employment. To protect the integrity of its

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RRB Releases Medicare Booklet for Railroad Workers

A recent release from the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) explains what railroad workers need to know about the Medicare program. The Medicare program covers railroad workers just like workers under social security. Railroad retirement payroll taxes include a Medicare hospital insurance tax just like social security payroll taxes. Though you’re paying into the Medicare program

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