Category Archives: Member Benefits

Your Track to Health Releases for September 2014 has released information to improve Railroad Employees health. The release includes: •    Prediabetes:•    Featured Live Healthy Content: Cross-Training – The Benefits of Mixing Exercises•    New Video Content in the Video Library: How much exercise should you get in a week?•    Open Enrollment Coming Soon: Begins October 1, 2014 – mark your calendars•    Health FSA

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Special 2014 Benefit Enrollment Extension for the Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA) only – Now through December 1, 2013

Members covered under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan, the Plan, still have an opportunity to enroll in the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for 2014.  Members who wished to enroll but failed to do so by the open enrollment deadline have until December 1, 2013 to enroll in the FSA for 2014.  This

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OSHA: FRSA Rail Whistleblower Protection Applies to Off-Duty Injuries

The Administrative Review Board of the Department of Labor decisively upheld an OSHA Administrative Law Judge’s decision that the Federal Rail Safety Act (FRSA) protects rail workers from being disciplined when they follow a physician’s treatment plan for off-duty injuries. The case involved a signalman who was assessed a six day suspension for violating PATH’s

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CRLO to NCCC – Immediately Extend Spousal Benefits to Same-Sex Married Couples

In a letter to Kenneth Gradia, Chairman of the National Carriers Conference Committee (NCCC), the Cooperating Railway Labor Organizations (CRLO) Chairman Bob Scardelletti asked for the matter of spousal benefits for same-sex married couples to be immediately addressed. In the letter Scardelletti states, “On behalf of the Cooperating Railway Labor Organizations (“CRLO”), I am writing

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TCU President Scardelletti Defends Health Care Plans at AFL/CIO Convention

TCU/IAM President Bob Scardelletti defended negotiated health care plans that are under attack by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as Obamacare. At the recent AFL-CIO Convention, President Scardelletti called for the elimination of the ACA’s 40 percent excise tax. “I support President Obama. And we all want health care for all,” said Scardelletti.

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Union Workers Outpaced Nonunion Workers In Pay and Benefits Growth in Second Quarter

Stated in a recent Bloomberg release – Growth in union-represented workers’ wages and salaries and total benefits far outpaced that of nonunion workers over the 12 months ended in June, according to Bloomberg BNA’s analysis of private sector figures released Sept. 11 2013 by the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Average wages and salaries

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