TCU Releases New Wages and Fringe Benefit as of July 2018
What is my Union Contract Worth Click here to view what a TCU contract is worth to a 30 year member retiring today. Cost of Wages & Fringe Benefits as of July 2018: Carman Clerks
What is my Union Contract Worth Click here to view what a TCU contract is worth to a 30 year member retiring today. Cost of Wages & Fringe Benefits as of July 2018: Carman Clerks
No one who works for a living should have to put themselves in a compromising situation just to put food on the table. Yet, every year, thousands of working people, including frontline transportation workers, are hurt or killed on the job. It’s true that decades of struggle by working people and their unions have improved
TCU/IAM is happy to report that the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) recently found in favor of TCU/IAM in a charge filed by the union against BNSF Railway. Recently, BNSF implemented an invasive medical reporting requirement (Rule 26.3.1), which required employees to disclose highly personal medical information to the company each time the
The lifetime maximum benefit under the Railroad Employees National Early Retirement Major Medical Benefit Plan (GA-46000) will increase by $4,700 effective January 1, 2018 – from $157,800 to $162,500 – due to an automatic annual adjustment based on medical cost inflation. Click here to read the confirmation release from United Healthcare.
Several states and local governments have adopted paid sick leave laws throughout the U.S. These laws allow people who predominantly work for employers within their jurisdictions to accrue and use paid sick time for various health concerns for both themselves and their family. Two (2) of these laws are the California Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families
United Behavioral Health/Optum is offering an emotional-support helpline to anyone who may be experiencing stress and anxiety resulting from the recent tragedy in Las Vegas. The helpline is staffed with specially trained, mental health specialists and will remain open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as long as necessary to offer support
Members will be receiving materials in the mail in the near future which will provide details of the 2018 Open Enrollment. During the period of October 1 until October 31, 2017, members can securely access the Railroad Enrollment Services online at to review and make changes to their benefits or personal record for 2018.
In a first of its kind move, New York law makers have made union dues fully tax deductible. The new measure was signed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. The provision will benefit union employees — such as railroad and construction workers, police officers, firefighters and teachers who itemize deductions on their state tax returns.
In a recent release from the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) of which TCU is a member: The freight railroads have played a critical role in our national freight network and economy, serving as a major driver of job creation and economic expansion. That is why transportation labor has always fought for smart policies that
Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) of which TCU is a member, issued a statement in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “At a time when the middle class is shrinking and economic upward mobility is becoming increasingly difficult for working families to achieve, we must turn to Dr. Martin