Category Archives: Member Benefits

Spouse Audit Please Respond – Members Covered Under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan

As of March 26, 2020 over 20,488 railroad members have NOT verified their marriage with Railroad Enrollment Services. Of those non-responders, 1,795 are TCU/IAM members. Every employee with an existing spouse on record must comply with the spouse audit. Employees who fail to respond with the required proof of marriage by the deadline, Medical, Dental

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AFL-CIO Flyer – Information and Resources on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

The AFL-CIO has released a flyer with information on the coronavuirus. This flyer can be printed and emailed for distribution of the latest information about the virus. The United States and the world are facing the very real threat of the widespread transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). Federal health officials have said the spread of the

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Spouse Eligibility Audit is Now in Progress Under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan

The spouse eligibility audit is now in progress under the Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan, which commenced on January 1, 2020. As of January 22, 2020 Railroad Enrollment Services has not received verification of eligibility for 68,935 spouses. Every married employee must verify that their existing spouse currently meets the eligibility requirements by

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Rail Unions Stand Together, Collective Effort Results in Major Past Practice Win on Long Island Railroad

Just before the 2018 holiday season, LIRR revoked its long standing practice of allowing early release for all non-essential employees on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. TCU & IAM, along with SMART-TD, NCFO, IRSA, and BRS all grieved this issue. SMART TD brought the case before an arbitrator, who has just ruled in favor

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Emergency Resources for Those Impacted by Hurricane Dorian

The Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan insurance companies are offering emergency resources to those impacted by Hurricane Dorian. They released information on details and contact numbers for affected individuals in need of emotional support, prescription supplies, vision wear, dental, medical care and more. HealthAdvocate services are available to help locate in-network providers in

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