Category Archives: Contracts & Union Resources

NMB Proffers Arbitration to all TCU Crafts on Long Island Railroad

Today, the National Mediation Board issued proffers of arbitration to all crafts represented by TCU on the Long Island Railroad, as well as to every other union on the Long Island, with the exception of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, who are not in mediation. National President Scardelletti immediately rejected the proffer.  It is

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TCU Carmen Members Ratify Agreement with Canadian National

On October 26, 2012, members of the Brotherhood Railway Carmen Division of TCU/IAM ratified agreements with Canadian National (CN) and its subsidiary railroads; Bessemer & Lake Erie (B&LE), Chicago Central & Pacific (CC&P), Duluth Missabe & Iron Range (DMIR), Grand Trunk Western (GTW), Illinois Central (IC) and Wisconsin Central (WC) These agreements were ratified by

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Canadian National Clerical Contract Ratified

TCU/IAM clerical workers overwhelmingly ratified a new contract by an 86% margin. Vice President Tom Truhler and National Representative Anthony Siriano were the lead negotiators for this Agreement that covers clerks on Canadian National, Wisconsin Central Railroad, Grand Trunk Western Railway, Illinois Central Railroad Company, and Chicago Central and Pacific Railroad. Workers under the Agreement

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TCU Clerical Members Overwhelmingly Ratify Contract at CSX Intermodal

TCU workers on CSX Intermodal have overwhelmingly ratified a new contract by a resounding 96% margin. The new agreement mirrors the recent national freight agreement’s economic provisions, providing 20.1% in compounded general wage increases over the six year contract period – January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2015. In addition to the general wage increases, the agreement

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Engineers and Dispatchers Reach National Agreements BMWE Extends Cooling Off Period

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the American Train Dispatchers Association reached tentative agreements with the National Carriers Conference Committee on December 1, 2011, to settle their national contracts. On the same date, the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes agreed with the carriers to extend the cooling off period from December 6, 2011 to

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