Category Archives: Carmen Division

Quick Thinking Members of Lodge 6060 Save Their Co-Worker’s Life in Birmingham, Alabama

  From left are Frank Rodriguez, Michael Williams, Adam  Moore and Benny Morris. Thanks to quick action by Lodge 6060 carmen, their union brother Joe Mixon is alive and well today.  The four heroes—Adam Moore, Benny Morris, Frank Rodriguez and Michael Williams—are Mixon’s co-workers at the Norfolk Southern Rail Yard in Birmingham, Alabama.  It was

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St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company–Members Ratify Agreement

Carmen Division members of Local 6983 in Maine who are employed by the St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad Company ratified new contract terms August 18, 2008.  Union negotiators included Division General Vice President Alex Novakovic, International Representative Jack Wright and Assistant International Representatives Roger Cain and David Fancher. Read the agreement.   Posted September 3, 2008

Soo Line Agreement Ratified June 25, 2008

Soo Line Carmen soundly ratified updated terms of their agreement June 25, 2008.  “This contract produces solid wage increases and income gains and compares favorably to the Carmen National Agreement,” Carmen Division President Rich Johnson told members in their ratification materials.  “In addition, this contract contains no work rule concessions.”  Click here  to read the agreement summary.