Category Archives: Carmen Division

TCU Carmen Division Submits Comments to the FRA on Two BNSF Waiver Requests

Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company (BNSF) has filed two petitions with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for a six-month temporary waiver of compliance from Federal Railroad Safety Regulations. If both of these waivers are granted two critical changes would be made, it would allow BNSF to: •    Move defective equipment further than the current

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Railroad Labor Submits Comment to FRA Requesting Denial of Petition by NS

Railroad labor submits joint comment to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) requesting denial of the petition for waiver by Norfolk Southern (NS). The joint unions include: Brotherhood of Railway Carmen/TCU-IAM (BRC), American Train Dispatchers Association (ATDA), Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED), Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen

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FRA Denies AAR Waiver Request to Avoid Brake Inspections and Tests Performed By TCU/IAM Carmen

The American Association of Railroads (AAR) requested a waiver for UP trains to use the data from wayside detectors as a means to avoid the required air brake inspections and tests that TCU Carmen do. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) recently sent a denial of that waiver request. TCU Vice-President and Carmen General President Rich

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TCU/IAM Carmen Division President Rich Johnson Testifies Before the FRA on AAR Brake Test Waiver Request

TCU continually reports: the Association of American Railroads (AAR) seeks a test waiver from performing Class IA brake tests on designated UP trains in the Wyoming Powder River Basin. The current federal rule states that each train shall receive a Class IA brake test, performed by a qualified person, at a location that is not

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U.S. Secretary of Transportation Urges Railroad Industry to Bolster Oil Train Safety

After the recent explosions by tanker cars carrying crude oil from North Dakota’s Bakken region, Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx issued a “call to action” by railroads, the oil industry and ethanol producers to work with the department to ensure their products are safely transported by rail. “We’ve got to work with them to make sure we’re listening

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TCU/IAM Carmen Division files request to the FRA for Public Hearing of UP Request to Discontinue Brake Tests on Trains in the Powder River Basin

The Brotherhood Railway Carmen Division, TCU/IAM (BRC) requested that the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) schedule a public hearing regarding the request by Union Pacific Railroad (UP) in the Powder River Basin to discontinue performing brake tests on designated trains due to the use of wayside detection technology. This is the second time UP has attempted

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