Front Row Jim Castiglia Asst. Supervisor C&S, Elmer Glassing Supervisor C&S, Bob Dube Supervisor M/E, Mark Manning ARASA Safety Liaison
Back Row – Joe DiGiacomo Supervisor C&S, Dave Swain, Supervisor M/E, Bob Bailey, Supervisor Track, Lou Pierce, Supervisor M/E & myself
The purpose of these fairs is to heighten safety awareness on the worksite. TCU International Representative Joe Derillo attended the one in Wilmington, DE and found it to be very informative and productive. “I found it interesting to listen to Asst. Chief Engineer Steve Falkenstein talk about Safe to Safer and what it is going to bring to the employee. I was pleased to see so many ARASA Supervisor taking in the displays by vendors which were displaying the latest safety equipment available to help them to do their jobs in a safe and efficient manner,” said Derillo
“Congratulations to our own Mark Manning ARASA Safety Liaison for the intricate part he performs with these Safety Fairs on Amtrak!”