Who should the IAM endorse for the U.S. president? Don’t miss the opportunity to register to have your voice heard!
As you may have heard, there’s a new process that gives the IAM members the opportunity to vote online for a candidate of their choice. To do so, you must register to vote in our endorsement process at iam2020.org.
“When presidential candidates call me and ask for our endorsement I tell them all the same thing: If you want the IAM’s endorsement, don’t talk to me—talk to our members,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Go visit them, and listen to them, at our locals, districts, conferences and state councils.
Martinez further explains the new endorsement process here.
Several presidential candidates have already spoken before the IAM.
“The membership should have the right to express their voice in who their union endorses for U.S. president,” Martinez added.