TCU Clerks and ARASA Division Ratify Agreement with Keolis. TCU Clerks ratified the agreement with 83% voting in favor the TCU ARASA Division members ratified at 84%.
The TCU Carmen division will end the voting process Nov 2nd and will await the TWU Carmen results ending November 9th.
The new agreement will give TCU members a 16.5% wage increase over the course of 6 years, with full back pay. This includes TCU retirees and the beneficiaries of members who have passed away during the moratorium.
“It was a two and a half year struggle, the ratification shows the strength of the membership, they really supported us so that they could get a good contract,” said TCU Vice-President Arthur Maratea. “I want to thank TCU National Representatives Mike Miller and Billy DeCarlo for their support and leadership in negotiating this agreement.”