Constitution/By-Laws of the National Union – 2022
The TCU Constitution/By-Laws as revised by the 2022 TCU National Convention, is available here.
TCU makes its Constitution/By-Laws of the National Union available to members either by downloading it by clicking the link above or, to get a bound version, members should send a written request to National Secretary-Treasurer at TCU, 3 Research Place, Rockville, MD 20850.
TCU Carmen By-Laws
Download a printable copy of the Carmen Division ByLaws here.
TCU Statutes for the Government of Lodges
The Statutes for the Government of Lodges, is available here.
TCU Handbook for Local Lodge Officers
The TCU Handbook for Local lodge Officers, is available here.
Important Notices
About Grievances—Duty of Members
The Protective Laws of TCU contain specific provisions for the filing and progression of grievances. Grievances must be presented in writing by the aggrieved employee, giving all known facts to the Local/District Chairman-Delegate (Article 1, Section 11(a) of the Protective Laws).
The Protective Laws of TCU also provide adequate methods for internal appeals on grievance matters. Most contracts contain strict time limitations on filing and progressing grievances.
Each and every member has an individual responsibility and duty to properly file and appeal grievance matters under the Protective Laws of this Union. For further information all members should consult the Protective Laws of this Union.
Appeal Rights on Grievances — Clerical members, click here; Carmen, click here.
Download the TCU Grievance/Claim form – Click here
About Payment of Dues
The attention of our members is called to Article 6, Section 1(a) of the Lodge and District Statutes which provide that members owing two months’ dues will be AUTOMATICALLY SUSPENDED at 12 o’clock midnight on the last day of the second month WITHOUT NOTICE. Here is the relevant text of Article 6, Section 1(a) for lodges and districts:
Article 6–Suspension–Members
Section 1(a). Dues and assessments are due and payable on the first day of each calendar month. A member owes two months’ dues and assessments on the first day of the second month, which means that two months’ dues and assessments, and not a portion thereof, must be paid on or before midnight of the last day of that month or the member will be automatically suspended.
It is the responsibility of every member to know when dues and assessments are payable and pay them to an authorized representative of his Lodge (or the General Secretary-Treasurer for Districts) within the time limits specified in this Article.
No demand for payment of such dues or assessments or notice of nonpayment thereof or delinquency is necessary or required. A member who fails to pay his dues and assessments within the time limits specified in this Article is automatically suspended at 12 o’clock midnight of the last day of the second month for which he owes dues and assessments.
Note: Any individual paying an agency fee will be treated in the same manner as above set forth.
Union Security & Agency Fees
The rights and responsibilities of union membership are set forth in our Union’s Constitution. Members are eligible to hold office, attend union meetings, and vote for union officers and contract ratification. Membership, however, is not required and is voluntary. Click here to continue reading about your rights with respect to union security and agency fee objections.